I’ve been using this homeopathic medicine called Coronashield by the HP dermatology centre for the coronavirus for the last few weeks, and I can say that it works very well. The story starts when about 9 weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with strong pain all over my body, headache and […]
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Overreaction of skin to some substances due to allergy is the reason of allergic dermatitis. Among various common symptoms, some are like burning, itchy red skin on the affected region. You can find out the substance which is causing allergic dermatitis treatment but for it you have to take expert consultation. What you need to [...]
Summary: This is definitely the type of question that you should be asking yourself if you are afraid that the aspect of your mole is not the same as it used to be. Also, if you are discontent about the fact that you are dealing with keloid scarring, you should consider making an appointment where [...]
Everyone who suffers from Keloid scar, reddish-purple scars, wants them to be removed. In search of right keloid scar solutions, they often continue to try numerous kinds of them, from home remedies to over-the-counter products. Many a times, it happens they face challenges with bad effects of those solutions, chosen in haste without true knowledge [...]