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A Short Guide to Skin Tags Treatment

Although skin tags are completely painless and do not cause any harm to other body parts, it can be uncomfortable while you’re wearing a dress or taking a bath. Also, if the skin tags cover your eyelids and make it difficult for your vision, then you might have to get the skin tags treated by a dermatologist or an ophthalmologist, especially when the skin tags are too close to the eye).  There are a number of techniques employed to remove skin tags, and the one to be used depends on a number of factors. Therefore, consulting a dermatologist about skin tags treatment in London or wherever you live might be a good option.

Skin tags removal (before)
Skin tags removal (after)

Skin tags removal is quite a simple and quick process, regardless of the treatment method employed. Some of the most common skin tags treatment methods are –


Cauterisation is one of the most common skin tags treatment methods used in modern day world. In this method, a dermatologist burns the skin tag using electric cautery with the help of heat generated through electrolysis. Also known as electrodesiccation, this method is ideal for skin tags treatment for complete removal of the tags from your skin surface.


This is the common treatment method used in all of the skin conditions, whether it is a mole, dermatitis, Molluscum, or any other. The method involves freezing the skin tag at very low temperatures using liquid nitrogen and then removed from the body. All your skin tags are removed in a single session.


This is also quite a simple method to treat skin tags and is mostly employed when the tags are big in size. In this skin tags treatment method, a dermatologist ties the base of the skin tag using a dental floss or a piece of string. This makes sure that the blood supply to the skin tag is interrupted, and the cells in the tag slowly die, and it gets attached from the skin surface. This method is not required if other methods can be used to remove the tags.


Excision is the oldest yet most used treatment method in the hands of medical professionals and is used quite often for most types of surgeries. In this method, a dermatologist uses a scalpel to cut the tag and remove it from your skin. Although the removal of small tags is painless, the ones bigger in size might give a lot of pain during the removal process and hence, the dermatologist might give you a local anaesthesia. The advantage this method has over others is that the tag is removed immediately with no scarring.

Although other methods are also scar-free, freezing or burning of skin tags might lead to temporary skin discoloration. There is usually no recovery time required, and once the skin tags treatment is over, your skin gets rid of the tags completely with no signs of scarring or bleeding. Therefore, if one feels that skin tags are becoming a source of discomfort, he or she should get in touch with a dermatologist and get it removed in a single session.

Get in touch with HP Dermatology Centre specialists to get detailed information about skin tags treatment and get personalised advice about your skin condition, today!


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