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Effective Dermatitis Treatment Methods

Dermatitis can be a cause of a lot of pain and discomfort and is one of the most unsightly skin conditions a person suffers. What makes dermatitis even worse off is that it differs from person to person and can be categorised into five or more categories – making it tough to understand its underlying cause. However, the only good thing about this skin condition is that once the cause is known, it is usually quite easy to treat this skin condition and save the person from pain and uneasiness. But easy treatment does not necessarily mean that one can treat it at home. One should always consult a top dermatologist in London or whichever city the person is living, for the best dermatitis treatment methods.

Dermatitis can be quite painful and a cause of discomfort, especially for children

However, some home remedies might be of great use, and one can avoid a visit to the dermatologist if the condition is mild. Some of the dermatitis treatment methods are mentioned below –

  • The first thing you should do is avoid touching the sensitive area of your skin. However, if you know you accidentally touched an allergen or irritant that has caused the itchiness to set in, you should straightaway wash the affected area of your skin with plenty of water and soap. This prevents the rashes from developing further.
  • Applying a gentle and clean damp cloth over the area affected by the allergen can also be a good choice to control inflammation and rashes. Also, you can soak the piece of clean cloth in Burrow’s solution for instant relief from dermatitis.
  • If a child has developed dermatitis, taking a lukewarm bath with medicated solutions, for example, adding baking soda to the water might also reduce the inflammation and hence, control the rashes and itchiness.
  • You may also go for over the counter medications such as ointments and lotions that contain natural anti-inflammatory ingredients such as aloe. This way, you can counter mild form of dermatitis. However, it is always advisable to consult a dermatologist before taking any such medications as dermatitis treatment method.

In case of severe dermatitis, dermatologists usually go for the following to control this skin condition –

  • Corticosteroid lotions or ointments that can be applied to the affected area. In cases of even more severe allergic dermatitis, oral corticosteroids might also be prescribed by a dermatologist as a part of dermatitis treatment method. Sometimes, even an injected dose of corticosteroids needs to be given to a person having dermatitis. However, this medication is usually given for less than ten
  • A dermatologist might also suggest anti-histamine drugs, either oral or as a lotion, as an effective way of countering inflammation and preventing itchiness on the skin. However, care should be taken that you do not take these drugs without prior prescription of a dermatologist as it may trigger an allergic reaction and other harmful health conditions.
  • Dermatologists also use antibiotics, mostly when a secondary form of infection develops on your skin. Further, a dermatologist may also prescribe Tacrolimus ointment to treat the symptoms of dermatitis, such as rashes, itchiness, and rashes.


By following these dermatitis treatment methods, one can quickly treat dermatitis. However, care should be taken, and home remedies are strictly avoided if the rashes are close to eyes or mouth, and the person should consult a dermatologist even if the situation is mild in character. You can also get in touch with HP Dermatology Centre specialists to get personal advice regarding various dermatitis treatment methods today – we’re just a phone call away!