If you notice a slightly elevated or flat yellowish growth on or around your eyelids, it means you might have xanthelasma. These are nothing but cholesterol or fat deposits under your skin. Although xanthelasma might not painful, itchy or cause any direct harm to your body, it may be a sign of elevated lipid levels in your body; mainly associated with high cholesterol levels or liver diseases. However, xanthelasma growth might increase in size, and if you feel the need to remove it for cosmetic purposes, it is not a bad idea at all. Also, as they indicate towards a possible risk factor for heart disease, one should get in touch with a doctor and get it examined. There are some top dermatologists who offer xanthelasma treatment in London.

However, still a number of people believe that xanthelasma cannot be treated and as a direct result of this, a number of myths have been floating around for long, particularly in London. Let’s clear some of it today itself –
Xanthelasma cannot be treated
This is the most common one, and almost anyone can be heard preaching this message. Even some doctors do not shy away from telling their patients to cover up the xanthelasma with make-up as a potential long-term solution to this problem. The base to this solution stems from the belief that Xanthelasma removal leads to permanent spots on the surface. This is not true, and there are a number of latest techniques for Xanthelasma treatment that can help in scar-free removal of xanthelasma, which includes Laser and Cryosurgery to name a few.
Eating Garlic removes xanthelasma
Well, this one might work it might not – the reason being that garlic reduces the bad cholesterol levels and therefore, can treat xanthelasma. But, as research shows, not many people have benefited by eating garlic. So you should eat garlic, no doubt about that, but don’t be too optimistic about the results. And one more thing – applying garlic paste on your xanthelasma is not going to work so please try that at your peril!
Xanthelasma is a direct consequence of high cholesterol levels
Although this is true to some extent, as high cholesterol levels are a major cause of xanthelasma. But remember – it’s not the only cause of xanthelasma and close to 50% who have xanthelasma do not have abnormal cholesterol levels. Xanthelasma might also be due to genetic reasons, and some people who develop xanthelasma have had earlier instances of xanthelasma development in their families.
Xanthelasma will be back after some time
Yes, this is true to some extent as xanthelasma treatment doesn’t guarantee that it won’t develop again. This is because of the fact that xanthelasma is not only caused due to high cholesterol levels or liver disease but also due to genetic reasons. Hence, it develops again after some time in people who have xanthelasma due to genetic reasons. On the other hand, people who developed xanthelasma due to increased lipids can prevent xanthelasma from developing again by following a healthy lifestyle and doing proper exercise.
As we discussed in this post, xanthelasma treatment is very much possible and there are high chances that it won’t develop again. You may get in touch with HP Dermatology Centre specialists to get a personalised advice and best xanthelasma treatment in London.